How it Works

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One of Ubinum’s goals is to raise the bar for what lab websites look like, and how they are used and accessed by 4 groups of stakeholders:
Faculty (including PI’s and their labs)
Students (existing and prospective)
University administration
The public
We are building a user-friendly system that we hope is inspiring. The lab websites are intended to be the best they can be with regard to design and what they communicate with very little user effort. All the web pages created on Ubinum have a consistent look and feel while giving users design options for personalization.

See Ubinum in Action

Here are some of Ubinum’s current features and how to use them:

The Editing Vertical

Pages Editing Section

When you click on each of the page tabs, you’ll find an onscreen pencil in the upper left hand corner of the individual text or image boxes. A click of the pencil brings you to your editing box where you can add text, drag and drop photos, videos, charts and more.

Pages Editing Section

In this section you can divide your teams into named groups like, for example,  “Undergraduate Team Members” or “Postdocs” or “Alumni” etc.

You can re-order individual team members, so don’t worry about entering names in a specific order. And, you can add social media links to each individual member’s profile.

Publications Page

To add a new publication, click the “New publication” button. You can paste a citation into the box with a gray outline, and click “Load Publication Details.”

We will try to find your publication in the Crossref database. If we find a match, the other fields (including “Title”, “Authors”, and “Date”) will be auto-filled. If we do not find a match or if the match is incorrect, you can edit those fields or leave them blank. They will be useful for allowing visitors to change the citation format (e.g. MLA or APA) and for the upcoming search feature.

Publications are automatically ordered by date of publication, so they emphasize your lab’s latest work.

Research Page

You can add as many sections as you like to the research page.  Adding new sections is done by clicking on the “Add a new project” button.

Each new project provides a field to enter: Project Title; Project Description; and, an image/video field where you can drag and drop images from your desktop, or link to videos.  Images must be in either JPEG, JPG or PNG formats.    

Funding Page

You can add as many grants as you like to the Funding page.   Add new grant information by clicking on “Add grant”, and include grant title, source, amount, start and end dates, and description.  A feature to add funder logos is coming soon.

Settings Editing Section

The “General” tab is where you enter your lab contact and general information.  This section will help us search-optimize your research lab so that it’s easily discoverable.

The “Theme” tab is where you can add your institution’s logo, choose a font typeface for your site and add background and highlight color to your headers and footers throughout.

The “Editing Team” tab is where you can invite team members to edit the lab website.  You can add as many editors as you like.  

Publishing Your Lab Website

To publish your lab website, click the “Publish” toggle on the Settings page, then the “Confirm” button, followed by the “Save” button.

To publish a page on your lab website, click the “Publish” button next to the page name on the left sidebar, then click “Confirm”.

You don’t have to publish every page on your lab website; you can choose to populate the fields on a particular page but not share it with the public.  To help fuel collaboration among team members, we hope to create more pages under your site that you can share with solely your lab members.  If  you have thoughts about this feature, reach out; we are interested in building tools that make sense for you!

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